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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Oracle Grid/RDBMS 19c on RHEL 8 - Tips, issues and work arounds

I did an install of Oracle GI and Database version 19c on RHEL 8 in my home lab (we can download a copy of RHEL8 for personal/non-production use if registered in https://developers.redhat.com) where I encountered a few issues. 

Let's see them with their work arounds in this post. 

1.    Oracle software installation prerequisite steps can be automatically done by installing Database pre-install rpms from the below repository links



2.    Mandatory patch requirement

RHEL was released later than Oracle 19c. So when attempting to install Oracle 19c software, we need to apply patch along with the installation of the software. The minimum required patch level to apply is GIRU19.6 or DBRU19.6 with few oneOff patches or GIRU19.7 or DBRU19.7 patch. As I'm installing now, post GIRU19.10 is released, I'm patching to the latest available patch. So I'm using the command as below to invoke the Grid setup. 

[oracle@linux-8 19]$ ./gridSetup.sh -applyRU /media/sf_Oracle/software/32226239

oracle@linux-8 db19]$ ./runInstaller -applyRU /media/sf_Oracle/software/32226239/32218454

Patch 32226239: GI RELEASE UPDATE can be downloaded from Oracle support. This patch includes DB patch (32218454) as well.

3.    INS-08101 Unexpected error 'supportedOSCheck'

As the software is released prior to RHEL/OL 8, the software doesn't recognizes the OS version and throws the below error. 

Work Around: 
Set the environment variable CV_ASSUME_DISTID to OL7 and then start the Grid setup/installer. 

[oracle@linux-8 19]$ export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OL7

4.    compat-libcap1-1.10 package missing error

Prerequisites check page shows that compat-libcap1-1.10 package is missing.

Work Around: 
This error can safely be ignored. Fix all other errors apart from this package error and click on Ignore all check box and proceed with the installation. 

5.    OPatch requirement

As we need to apply patch as well, we have to use the latest version of OPatch while installing software along with patching. Check for Patch 6880880 in Oracle support and download the latest patch available with correct version of the OS selected. At the time of writing this post, the latest version is OPatch Version:

6. ASM FD is not supported

During "Create ASM Disk Group" page, when Configure ASM Filter Driver is selected, the following error is thrown. 
AFD-9213: Configuration file 'symvers-4.18.0-240.10.1.el8_3.x86_64.gz' in the /boot directory does not exist or cannot be read.

Note: If you don't apply RU along when starting the gridSetup, then the error will be as below
AFD-620: AFD is not supported on this operating system version: 'unknown'

Work Around: 
Referring to RedHat support document 5174441, the location of /boot/symvers-$(uname -r).gz has been changed to /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/symvers.gz in RHEL 8.
Also, we are running the below kernel level which is not supported by Oracle for ACFS and ASM FD at the time of installation (up to 193 is supported). Refer Support note 1369107.1 for compatibility check

[root@linux-8 modules]# uname -r        

As the patch level is still not officially supported, I don't want to copy the symvers file to /boot and try which might mess up other things. So deselecting the ASM FD for now and continuing installation

7.    Automatic root script execution

If you would like the installer to run the root scripts automatically by providing the information such as root password or sudo privileges, edit the /etc/hosts file with the server details. Else the installer will fail stating unknown host. 

Requirements for Installing Oracle Database/Client 19c on OL8 or RHEL8 64-bit (x86-64) (Doc ID 2668780.1)
ACFS and AFD 19c Supported Platforms
How To Download And Install The Latest OPatch(6880880) Version (Doc ID 274526.1)
Known Issues and Bugs for Oracle Linux 8 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Patch 32226239: GI RELEASE UPDATE

Happy Installing...!!!


  1. hii,
    i am faccing the same issue on RHEL 8.3 , did you try installing on RHEL 8.3 , since i cannot use AFD can you please advice how can i get three ASM Lib packages , kmod-oracleasm,oracleasmlib and oracleasm-support.

    can you help in oracleasm-support


    1. Hello Danish, yes the above installation was made on rhel 8.3 and AFD can't be configured as Oracle was yet to certify on the kernel used at present.
      For the ASM lib packages, you can configure Oracle's public yum and install those if available now. Refer the below link

      U can also use udev rules to label the ASM disks as explained in the link below which eliminates the need of Oracleasm packages


  2. Do we need to set this environment variable on both nodes export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OL7 ?

    Also, what's the best practice to apply RU patch with GI installation or should we apply the RU patch after completing the GI installation.

    1. Hi Kamal,
      Environment variable can be set only on the node where you are starting the installer.
      It's best to apply RU along with GI installation as mentioned above. The fixes introduced in the patch will be applied first before starting the installer so that the installation progresses without issues.


  3. Thank you so much for responding on my queries.
    I have one more query.

    Following are the latest RU patch update for GI and RDBMS binary

    Patch 32226239: GI RELEASE UPDATE

    for GI setup installation

    ./gridSetup -applyRU /u01/patches/31305339

    for rdbms installer
    ./runInstaller -applyRU /u01/patches/31305339


    ./runInstaller -applyRU /u01/patches/32218454

    my question is do i need to pass the same GI patch (31305339) along with rdbms installation or should i pass the rdbms patch (32218454) along with rdbms installation?

    1. Hi Kamal,
      You need to pass the rdbms patch only.
      If you are downloading the GI RU patch, it will also contain the DB patches along so you don't have to download it again. That's why my DB patch directory path falls under GI patch directory in the post.
      You can also refer the read me document that comes along with the patches to clarify the same.


  4. Thank you so much sir for responding on my second queries.

    I am facing some issues while loading the oracle asm libaray in RHEL 8.3 then i checked over google why orcleasm libaray not loading and then got to know there is the following bug in rhel 8.3 which not allowing to load the oracleasm libraray and the oracleasm init command is getting failed.

    Bug 1931546 - oracleasm fails to load in kernel-4.18.0-240.15.1.el8_3



    [root@prod2 tmp]# oracleasm init
    Loading module "oracleasm": failed
    Unable to load module "oracleasm"
    Mounting ASMlib driver filesystem: failed
    Unable to mount ASMlib driver filesystem
    [root@prod2 tmp]#

    oracleasm rpm installed on the node:

    [root@prod1 ~]# rpm -qa | grep asm

    I think, there is workaround also to fix this issue is to boot into the older kernel-4.18.0-240.10.1.el8_3 but i am looking for permanent solution if there any patch to fix this bug. please let me know.

    Kamal Kumar

    1. Hi Kamal,
      I'm not using ASMLib in my environment and only use udev rules and hence I have not come across this issue. Also if you see the point no. 6, I have mentioned ASM FD is not yet listed as supported for RHEL 8.3 default kernel. So there might be chances Oracle would work on fixing these in future RUs. You can now use the work around and upgrade kernel later once Oracle provides support.


  5. Hi Kamal,

    please install OEL7 ASM package for ASM.
