Query optimization or tuning is an interesting subject. Sometimes we would get complaints from application folks that their query is running slow in the timelines of running 4 hours against 1 or 2 hrs normal execution. During these times, we can't wait for the query to run to its completion only to see the query didn't run as expected.
How can we find whether the query is running as expected? One of the simple ways is to run the explain plan to see whether the plan has changed from the existing one and is the join methods and filters are applied as expected and also whether the cost of the operation is reduced. But the problem here is Oracle can totally predict a wrong plan (due to missing stats for example) or with the adaptive plans can change its plan during run time as well.
In order to know the details of the query execution we need to wait until the query completes. This is not welcome in all the situations as DBA can't wait for the query execution to complete before they decide on next course of investigation plan.
We can use DBMS_XPLAN.display_cursor or ?/rdbms/admin/utlxpls.sql or similar tools to get the explain plan of the query but for these to work to give the detailed statistics, the query should be run to its completion. Waiting for 2 or 3 hours just to check the execution details of the query seems not fun.
Starting version 11g, Oracle introduced a feature called Real time SQL Monitoring. This is such a cool and useful feature where the stats can be seen in real time even the query is currently running.
Requirements to use Real time SQL Monitor:
- Diagnostics and Tuning Pack license.
- Oracle Enterprise Manager
- SQL Developer
- Command line.
- When the SQL has consumed at least five seconds of the CPU or I/O time in a single execution
- When the SQL execute in parallel
- When the SQL has /*+ monitor */ hint
SQL> alter session set container=odb1; Session altered. SQL> set lines 200 SQL> select /*+ monitor */ * from oe.order_items join oe.orders on oe.order_items.order_id=oe.orders.order_id; ORDER_ID LINE_ITEM_ID PRODUCT_ID UNIT_PRICE QUANTITY ORDER_ID ORDER_DATE ORDER_MO CUSTOMER_ID ORDER_STATUS ORDER_TOTAL SALES_REP_ID PROMOTION_ID ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ -------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------ 2354 1 3106 48 61 2354 14-JUL-08 PM direct 104 0 46257 155 2354 2 3114 96.8 43 2354 14-JUL-08 PM direct 104 0 46257 155 2354 3 3123 79 47 2354 14-JUL-08 PM direct 104 0 46257 155 2354 4 3129 41 47 2354 14-JUL-08 PM direct 104 0 46257 155 2354 5 3139 21 48 2354 14-JUL-08 PM direct 104 0 46257 155 ... ... ... 2458 2 3123 79 112 2458 16-AUG-07 PM direct 101 0 78279.6 153 2458 3 3127 488.4 114 2458 16-AUG-07 PM direct 101 0 78279.6 153 2458 4 3134 17 115 2458 16-AUG-07 PM direct 101 0 78279.6 153 665 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SET LINESIZE 300 SQL> COLUMN sql_text FORMAT A100 SQL> SELECT sql_id, status, sql_text FROM v$sql_monitor where sql_text like '%monitor%'; SQL_ID STATUS SQL_TEXT ------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abf24z16pukw9 DONE (ALL ROWS) select /*+ monitor */ * from oe.order_items join oe.orders on oe.order_items.order_id=oe.orders.orde r_id SQL> SET LONG 1000000 SQL> SET FEEDBACK OFF head off SQL> spool monitor_sql.html SQL> SELECT DBMS_SQLTUNE.report_sql_monitor(sql_id =>'abf24z16pukw9',type=> 'HTML') AS report FROM dual; o/p will contain lots of html contents as the report is generated as html.. ... ... ... SQL> spool off SQL>We now have the report generated by name monitor_sql.html. We can view the report to see the real time execution plan statistics of the query.
The first report generated shows below.
SQL> SET LONG 1000000 SQL> SET FEEDBACK OFF head off SQL> spool monitor_sql.html SQL> SELECT DBMS_SQL_MONITOR.report_sql_monitor(sql_id =>'1uhbtu4azdyqh',type=> 'HTML') AS report FROM dual; SQL> spool off SQL>Report generated will be similar to the one we saw before using DBMS_SQLTUNE with just the package name change.
SQL> SET LONG 1000000 LONGCHUNKSIZE 1000000 LINESIZE 1000 PAGESIZE 0 TRIM ON TRIMSPOOL ON ECHO OFF FEEDBACK OFF SQL> spool monitor_sql.html SQL> SELECT DBMS_SQLTUNE.report_sql_monitor(sql_id =>'abf24z16pukw9',type=> 'ACTIVE') AS report FROM dual; ... ... ... SQL> spool off
We can see that the report is kind of interactive where we can change the execution plan to graphical mode if one wishes to understand better and we can toggle between various options to check the complete picture of where the query is executed like the Optimizer Environment, etc. Timeline section will keep updating if we generate the report frequently while the query is running.
DBMS_SQL_MONITOR (oracle.com)
Monitoring SQL Statements with Real-Time SQL Monitoring (Doc ID 1380492.1)
DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING pack is by default disabled and we need to enable it to generate the reports.