For a small testing involving CLOB column, I need to create a test table with clob column containing more than 4000 chars.
In order to achieve this, I did the following.
In order to achieve this, I did the following.
SQL> create table clob_test (name varchar2(20), details clob) tablespace tools; Table created. SQL> insert into clob_test values ('AAA', 'Geography is a systematic study of earth and its features. Traditionally, geography has been associated with 2 cartography and place names. Although many 3 geographers are trained in toponymy and cartology, this is not their main preoccupation. Geographers study the space and the temporal database distribution of phenomena, processes, and features as well as the interaction of humans and their environment.[7] Because space and place affect a variety of topics, such as 4 5 economics, health, climate, plants and animals, geography is highly interdisciplinary. The interdisciplinary nature of the geographical approach depends on an 6 attentiveness to the relationship between physical and human phenomena and its spatial patterns.[8] 7 Names of places...are not geography...know by heart a whole gazetteer full of them would not, in itself, constitute anyone a geographer. Geography has higher 8 aims than this: it seeks to classify phenomena (alike of the natural and of the political world, in so far as it treats of the latter), to compare, to 9 generalize, to ascend from effects to causes, and, in doing so, to trace out the laws of nature and to mark their influences upon man. This is a description of 10 the world—that is Geography. In a word Geography is a Science—a thing not of mere names but of argument and reason, of cause and effect.[9] 11 —William Hughes, 1863 12 Just as all phenomena exist in time and thus have a history, they also exist in space and have a geography.[10] 13 —United States National Research Council, 1997 14 Geography as a discipline can be split broadly into two main subsidiary fields: human geography and physical geography. The former largely focuses on the built 15 environment and how humans create, view, manage, and influence space. The latter examines the natural environment, and how organisms, climate, soil, water, and 16 landforms produce and interact.[11] The difference between these approaches led to a third field, environmental geography, which combines the physical and the 17 human geography, and looks at the interactions between the environment and humans.[7] 18 The oldest known world maps date back to ancient Babylon from the 9th century BC.[12] The best known Babylonian world map, however, is the Imago Mundi of 600 19 BC.[13] The map as reconstructed by Eckhard Unger shows Babylon on the Euphrates, surrounded by a circular landmass showing Assyria, Urartu[14] and several 20 cities, in turn surrounded by a "bitter river" (Oceanus), with seven islands arranged around it so as to form a seven-pointed star. The accompanying text 21 mentions seven outer regions beyond the encircling ocean. The descriptions of five of them have survived.[15] In contrast to the Imago Mundi, an earlier 22 Babylonian world map dating back to the 9th century BC depicted Babylon as being further north from the center of the world, though it is not certain what 23 that center was supposed to represent.[12] The ideas of Anaximander (c. 610 BC-c. 545 BC): considered by later Greek writers to be the true founder of geography, come to us through fragments quoted by 24 25 his successors. Anaximander is credited with the invention of the gnomon, the simple, yet efficient Greek instrument that allowed the early measurement of 26 latitude. Thales is also credited with the prediction of eclipses. The foundations of geography can be traced to the ancient cultures, such as the ancient, 27 medieval, and early modern Chinese. The Greeks, who were the first to explore geography as both art and science, achieved this through Cartography, Philosophy, and Literature, or through Mathematics. There is some debate about who was the first person to assert that the Earth is spherical in shape, with 28 29 the credit going either to Parmenides or Pythagoras. Anaxagoras was able to demonstrate that the profile of the Earth was circular by explaining eclipses. 30 However, he still believed that the Earth was a flat disk, as did many of his contemporaries. One of the first estimates of the radius of the Earth was made 31 by Eratosthenes.[16] 32 The first rigorous system of latitude and longitude lines is credited to Hipparchus. He employed a sexagesimal system that was derived from Babylonian 33 mathematics. The meridians were sub-divided into 360°, with each degree further subdivided 60 (minutes). To measure the longitude at different location on 34 Earth, he suggested using eclipses to determine the relative difference in time.[17] The extensive mapping by the Romans as they explored new lands would 35 later provide a high level of information for Ptolemy to construct detailed atlases. He extended the work of Hipparchus, using a grid system on his maps and 36 adopting a length of 56.5 miles for a degree.[18] 37 From the 3rd century onwards, Chinese methods of geographical study and writing of geographical literature became much more complex than what was found in 38 Europe at the time (until the 13th century).[19] Chinese geographers such as Liu An, Pei Xiu, Jia Dan, Shen Kuo, Fan Chengda, Zhou Daguan, and Xu Xiake wrote important treatises, yet by the 17th century advanced ideas and methods of Western-style geography were adopted in China.' 39 ); insert into clob_test values ('AAA', 'Geography is a systematic study of earth and its features. Traditionally, geography has been associated with * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01704: string literal too longYou can see that the insert statement erred out with ORA-01704 as the length of the field that I tried to insert is of 5147 characters.
So to over come this situation, we can make use of bind variables and a pl/sql block which can handle data upto 32k characters as shown below.
The code is very simple:
clobdata varchar2(32767) := <data to be inserted>;
execute immediate 'insert into <table> values(col1, :1)' using clobdata;
Eg: as below.
SQL> set serverout on declare SQL> 2 clobdata varchar2(32767) := 'Geography is a systematic study of earth and its features. Traditionally, geography has been associated with 3 cartography and place names. Although many geographers are trained in toponymy and cartology, this is not their main preoccupation. Geographers study the space and the temporal database distribution of 4 5 phenomena, processes, and features as well as the interaction of humans and their environment.[7] Because space and place affect a variety of topics, such as 6 economics, health, climate, plants and animals, geography is highly interdisciplinary. The interdisciplinary nature of the geographical approach depends on an 7 attentiveness to the relationship between physical and human phenomena and its spatial patterns.[8] 8 Names of places...are not geography...know by heart a whole gazetteer full of them would not, in itself, constitute anyone a geographer. Geography has higher 9 aims than this: it seeks to classify phenomena (alike of the natural and of the political world, in so far as it treats of the latter), to compare, to generalize, to ascend from effects to causes, and, in doing so, to trace out the laws of nature and to mark their influences upon man. This is a description of 10 11 the world—that is Geography. In a word Geography is a Science—a thing not of mere names but of argument and reason, of cause and effect.[9] 12 —William Hughes, 1863 13 Just as all phenomena exist in time and thus have a history, they also exist in space and have a geography.[10] —United States National Research Council, 1997 14 15 Geography as a discipline can be split broadly into two main subsidiary fields: human geography and physical geography. The former largely focuses on the built 16 environment and how humans create, view, manage, and influence space. The latter examines the natural environment, and how organisms, climate, soil, water, and landforms produce and interact.[11] The difference between these approaches led to a third field, environmental geography, which combines the physical and the 17 18 human geography, and looks at the interactions between the environment and humans.[7] 19 The oldest known world maps date back to ancient Babylon from the 9th century BC.[12] The best known Babylonian world map, however, is the Imago Mundi of 600 20 BC.[13] The map as reconstructed by Eckhard Unger shows Babylon on the Euphrates, surrounded by a circular landmass showing Assyria, Urartu[14] and several 21 cities, in turn surrounded by a "bitter river" (Oceanus), with seven islands arranged around it so as to form a seven-pointed star. The accompanying text 22 mentions seven outer regions beyond the encircling ocean. The descriptions of five of them have survived.[15] In contrast to the Imago Mundi, an earlier Babylonian world map dating back to the 9th century BC depicted Babylon as being further north from the center of the world, though it is not certain what 23 24 that center was supposed to represent.[12] 25 The ideas of Anaximander (c. 610 BC-c. 545 BC): considered by later Greek writers to be the true founder of geography, come to us through fragments quoted by 26 his successors. Anaximander is credited with the invention of the gnomon, the simple, yet efficient Greek instrument that allowed the early measurement of latitude. Thales is also credited with the prediction of eclipses. The foundations of geography can be traced to the ancient cultures, such as the ancient, 27 28 medieval, and early modern Chinese. The Greeks, who were the first to explore geography as both art and science, achieved this through Cartography, Philosophy, and Literature, or through Mathematics. There is some debate about who was the first person to assert that the Earth is spherical in shape, with 29 30 the credit going either to Parmenides or Pythagoras. Anaxagoras was able to demonstrate that the profile of the Earth was circular by explaining eclipses. However, he still believed that the Earth was a flat disk, as did many of his contemporaries. One of the first estimates of the radius of the Earth was made 31 32 by Eratosthenes.[16] 33 The first rigorous system of latitude and longitude lines is credited to Hipparchus. He employed a sexagesimal system that was derived from Babylonian 34 mathematics. The meridians were sub-divided into 360°, with each degree further subdivided 60 (minutes). To measure the longitude at different location on Earth, he suggested using eclipses to determine the relative difference in time.[17] The extensive mapping by the Romans as they explored new lands would 35 36 later provide a high level of information for Ptolemy to construct detailed atlases. He extended the work of Hipparchus, using a grid system on his maps and adopting a length of 56.5 miles for a degree.[18] 37 38 From the 3rd century onwards, Chinese methods of geographical study and writing of geographical literature became much more complex than what was found in 39 Europe at the time (until the 13th century).[19] Chinese geographers such as Liu An, Pei Xiu, Jia Dan, Shen Kuo, Fan Chengda, Zhou Daguan, and Xu Xiake wrote important treatises, yet by the 17th century advanced ideas and methods of Western-style geography were adopted in China.'; 40 41 begin execute immediate 'insert into clob_test values (''BBB'', :1)' using clobdata; 42 43 end; / 44 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select * from clob_test; NAME -------------------- DETAILS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBB Geography is a systematic study of earth and its features. Traditionally, geogra SQL>Now you can see that the data we are trying to insert worked without issues.
There are also other ways using DBMS_SQL package and also using SQL*Loader. You can check about them using Oracle support notes Doc ID 160885.1 and Doc ID 2158771.1
Happy data loading...!!!